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Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer has been member of the scientific committee for the permanent exhibition "Robots" at Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris: See also

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer has been member of the scientific committee for the exhibition "Robots" at Cap Sciences,

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer was member of the jury of the popular science competition Creathon in Poitiers.

Didier Roy is member of the team "Livre blanc Inria EdTech", with Gérard Giraudon, Pascal Guitton, Thierry Viéville and Margarida Romero.

Didier Roy is member of the Class'code and Class'code AI teams.

Didier Roy has been member of the organization committee for the public workshop/exhibition "Robots" at Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris.

Didier Roy is vice-president of Poppy Station Structure. Poppy Station, which includes Poppy robot ecosystem (hardware, software, community) from the beginning, is a place of excellence to build future educational robots and to design pedagogical activities to teach computer science, robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Partners of Poppy Station : Inria, La Ligue de l’Enseignement, HESAM Université, SNCF Développement, IFÉ-ENS Lyon, MOBOTS – EPFL, Génération Robots, Pollen Robotics, KONEXInc, Mobsya, CERN Microclub, LINE Lab (Université Nice), Stripes, Canopé Martinique, Rights Tech Women, Editions Nathan.

Articles and contents

Sébastien Forestier and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer were interviewed for a video documentary on curiosity-driven learning in robots, now permanently displayed in the exhibition "Robots" at Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris: The video is available here:

PY Oudeyer was interviewed in RFI radio program "Autour de la question" on artificial intelligence and society (feb. 2019),

Didier Roy and PY Oudeyer wrote an illustrated book on artificial intelligence and robotics for 7-8 years old children, to be published by Nathan.


Hélène Sauzéon, as co-designer (with P. Guitton) of "Digital Accessibility" MOOC displayed on FUN platform, has interacted with the learners during the permanent session in 2019.

N Díaz Rodríguez participated on the Future Fest organized by the director and deans of School of AI with the objective of creating and self fund the first free degree on AI (April 2019, Granada, Spain.

Didier Roy is organizing an International R2T2 Robotics Mission Event for the EduCamp (RoboCup Junior 2020 at Bordeaux).


Pierre-Yves Oudeyer gave a popular science conference at Lycée Montaigne, Bordeaux, on machine learning and AI (17th jan. 2019).

PY Oudeyer participated to a popular science debate on science-fiction movies and artificial intelligence at cinema Utopia, Bordeaux (jan. 2019).

PY Oudeyer gave an invited popular science talk at Collège des Bernardins, Paris, 2019, on affective machine learning and educational technologies, and video at

PY Oudeyer gave a popular science conference to 2nde students from Lycée La Sauque, Bordeaux.

PY Oudeyer gave a popular science presentation on artificial intelligence in the event "AI and education" organized at Inria Bordeaux by Didier Roy and Nicolas Rougier.

Hélène Sauzéon participated to several talks targetted disability-related professionals, students or industries : 1) Technologies educatives & Handicap Conference, organised by ESPE of Academy of Nantes, Mar., 20 ; 2) Journée d’étude de l’Observatoire des ressources numériques adaptées (Orna) « Autisme et outils numériques : de la recherche aux applications », May, 3at INSHE , Paris. ; 3) Colloque « Augmentation de l’humain » STAH Industrial Chair of Nouvelle Aquitaine, Mar., 28

Didier Roy gave an invited talk at CERN, Geneve, Switzerland, november 2019, on Educational Power of International R2T2 Robotics Missions

Didier Roy gave an invited talk at LEARN DAY, Bern, Switzerland, november 2019, on Strategies for introducing Robotics and Computer science activities at school.

Didier Roy organized the APEIA DAY (Artificial Intelligence & Education), at Inria BSO, Inria Sophia and open video-conference. Talks and workshop about unplugged and plugged activities for teaching AI from primary school to high education. With teachers, animators, education experts and AI researchers.

Internal action

Hélène Sauzéon has presented the « Collège + » and Kidlearn projects to Sophie Cluzel, Secretary of State for Disability, during the launch day of the Disability Plan of Inria (November, 16).

Creation of media or tools for science outreach

AIANA: an accessible multimedia player

Hélène Sauzéon is co-designer with P. Guitton of the accessible AIANA multimedia player for MOOCs. The V1 was developed by Learning Lab Inria in 2016 and the V2 by Damien Caseli (ADT engineer) as part of the POTIOC-Inria team in 2019. This player offers a flexible interface, configurable in terms of sensory and motor alternatives for the communication of people with physical disabilities, and of cognitive alternatives (attention load, reading aid, note-taking, etc.) for people with cognitive disabilities. The most convincing result is that it has increased the number of disabled learners completing a MOOC course (16%) on FUN platform compared to the available benchmark (10

Poppy Station: Robotics and AI for Education, Arts and Research with the Poppy platform

Didier Roy continued to promote and co-manage the Poppy Station Association.

Among the recent actions of poppy station, there were the training provided at the 2nd chance school created in Saintes by SNCF Development, the training given at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, on IT, robotics and artificial intelligence. Lasting collaborations have taken hold.

There is also a new artistic collaboration with the artist Clara Maïda and her project "(a)utom@ton" of contemporary musical and robotic creation (work for electroacoustic device and two humanoid robots).

Poppy Station has also participated in various events concerning educational robotics and artificial intelligence : APEIA Day at Inria Bordeaux, National Educational Robotics Colloquium at French Institute of education (ENS Lyon), Educatec Educatice exhibition in Paris, Ludovia Summer university in Ax-les-thermes.

A new open source wheeled robot printed in 3d was created for poppy Station by Pollen robotics, partner of poppy Station.

Poppy Station is also involved in European calls for projects with the Institut Pasteur around the continuous training of scientific staff on IT, robotics and AI.

Poppy Station Association brings together players from the world of business, research, training, culture and education and aims to develop and preserve robotic ecosystems and associated open source or free technologies, in all areas where their use can allow this development and preservation. The association pays particular attention to the fields of education, training, arts and research. Poppy Station is the result of a transfer of Inria research from its open-source robotics ecosystem Poppy to an external multi-partners structure. The Poppy ecosystem includes software and hardware tools to create and program robots, as well as educational content for education and training, and a large interdisciplinary community of users. This ecosystem was created and developed by the Inria Flowers team, with the aim of facilitating the experimentation and creation of innovative robotic tools in the fields of education, research and the arts.

IniRobot: Educational Robotics in Primary Schools

Didier Roy and PY Oudeyer continued to promote and disseminate the IniRobot pedagogical toolkit. Inirobot, a project done in collaboration with EPFL/Mobsya, aims to create, evaluate and disseminate a pedagogical kit which uses Thymio robot, an open-source and low cost robot, for teaching computer science and robotics.

IniRobot Project aims to produce and diffuse a pedagogical kit for teachers and animators, to help them and to train them directly or by the way of external structures. The aim of the kit is to initiate children to computer science and robotics. The kit provides a micro-world for learning, and takes an inquiry-based educational approach, where kids are led to construct their understanding through practicing an active investigation methodology within teams. See or

Deployment: After 4 years of activity, IniRobot is used by more than 3000 adults, 30 000 children in France. Inirobot is also used in higher education, for example in Master 2 "Neurosciences, human and animal cognition" at the Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse. Inirobot is additionally used to train the management and elected officials of the Bordeaux metropolitan area (20 people). The digital mediators of the 8 Inria centers are trained to Inirobot and use it in their activities.


The project continues to be carried out in main collaboration with the LSRO Laboratory from EPFL (Lausanne) and others collaborations such as the French National Education/Rectorat d'Aquitaine, the Canopé Educational Network, the ESPE (teacher's school) Aquitaine, the ESPE Martinique, the ESPE Poitiers and the National Directorate of Digital Education.

Created pedagogical documents and resources
Scientific mediation

Inirobot is very popular and often presented in events (conferences, workshops, ...) by us and others.

Spread of Inirobot activities

Inirobot activities are used by several projects: Dossier 123 codez from Main à la Pâte Fundation, Classcode project, ...

MOOC Thymio

The MOOC Thymio, released in october 2018, in collaboration with Inria Learning Lab and EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland), on FUN platform and edX EPFL Platform), use Inirobot activities to teach how to use Thymio robot in education.